At Twenty-four

The life and times of a busy mother of two.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Owly inspiration at Charles Street Artists' Market on 29/05

I have to admit to having been blown away at the Charles Street Artists’ Market last month. Setting up took, no surprise here, ages and I was still going around 1.30 (started at 10.30!) when I noticed the graffiti artists at work. These guys were painting owls! -- a fitting complement to my Kitchen Owls.

Fantastic wall art created during the Charles Street Artists’ Market on 29/05/11.

Wonder which of my owls gave them particular inspiration? This guy was there.
Kitchen Owl #347 ‘William of Orange’

I later found out that they were inspired by my little guys. Wooo hoooot! I presumed they had come prepared with pre-planned designs of what they were going to paint but, no, they were doing it ‘on the fly’!

Thanks to Charles Street Artists’ Market for the photo and Deams & Itch from the ‘awol crew’ for the paintings. ;o)


Taffy's Picnic said...

Definitely Woooooo hoot! *grin*
Your owls do tend to nest in the imagination...

Nick said...

Hi Robyn, I have finally returned to my computer (I was on a self imposed sabbatical) and returned to find you!It is lovely to meet you and your owls. I won't be such a stranger in the future...though the computer takes up so much time! I should be making things right now. Cheers Nick